
Post date: May 18, 2013 1:39:15 AM

As a trustee...

  • I will commit to making our already great schools even better, despite the difficult crosswinds affecting us.

  • I will focus on the actual education of our youth rather than on the mere satisfaction of external mandates.

  • I will strike a balance between the need to properly fund education, and the understanding that high tax rates can be devastating.

  • I will ensure that our tax dollars are not wasted on unnecessary non-educational expenses.

  • I will strive toward the goal of providing every student with an education according to their needs, hopes and desires.

  • I will hold our school administration accountable and assure transparency so that parents know how their kids are doing, and taxpayers know how their tax dollars are spent.

  • I will focus on taking incremental steps which are individualized to the needs of our students, and avoid taking big risks on new, expensive and untested systems.

  • I will take action to grow our corps of master teachers who can be mentors for their peers and guides for the entire faculty.

  • Most importantly, I will always speak out for doing what is right for the children and for our community.

Every child deserves a great education. Please join me in supporting the next generation of brilliant thinkers, community leaders, talented artists, and innovators. Vote to elect Joshua Diamond to the Croton-Harmon Schools Board of Education on May 17, 2016.